Thursday, September 30, 2010

New White Denim record- Free D/L

New Album available for D/L, donations accepted.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Waves+Waves+more Waves =

Tristan Perich's latest: 1-Bit Symphony

Tristan Perich: 1-Bit Symphony (Part 1: Overview) from Tristan Perich on Vimeo.

H/T: The Rest is Noise.

Marc-André Hamelin's Left Hand

Classical pianist/composer Marc-André Hamelin has released a new record, twelve etudes, for which there are a few video performances. I must say that I am not incredibly familiar with Hamelin's work, but what I have heard I have always enjoyed immensely. His recent work is truly remarkable. Etude no. 7 is written solely for the left hand.

Do the Math, the Bad Plus Blog has an interview with the man.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ann Steel...

where have you been all my life?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Barthes’s Hand

The New Yorker has published some of literary theorist and critic Roland Barthes's journals on the topic of mourning his mother (behind paywall). Accompanying the magazine piece, the New Yorker has published a few of his journals with original images and translation.

New Bad Plus LP- Never Stop

Streaming at NPR

A follow up interview at the Blog Supreme

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Robert Wright and Frank Wilczek

Here is an interesting discussion between the science writer Robert Wright and Nobel Prize winning physicist and Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT, Frank Wilczek discuss his new book, The Lightness of Being, metaphysics, and quantum theory. I saw Wilczek speak at the University of Minnesota back in 2006 discussing his Nobel prize work and current research. Very interesting then and very interesting here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Röyksopp Album

Streaming until the release on Sept. 13th 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Antonio Damasio @ Aspen Institute

Damasio is one of the most important neuropsychologists ever and here is a 1 hr+ long interview with David Brooks of the NYTimes at the Aspen Institute.